A listing of Wix, Wenger & Weidner’s current and past business and corporate clients ranges from sole proprietorships to Fortune 500 companies. We regularly advise clients on the formation of new business entities, including whether that business should operate as a proprietorship, partnership, corporation or limited liability company, and we advise on the tax, business and legal ramifications of each choice of business entity. In connection with the creation of a business, we draft our clients’ partnership, shareholder, and other internal operating agreements. We also maintain and update corporate filings and records so that our clients maintain their identities and legal statuses under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Our clients regularly seek our advice and representation in the general operations of their businesses. We are able to advise and represent our clients in issues that affect their businesses, including taxation, governmental regulations, contract negotiations, drafting and interpretations, and other issues that confront our clients on a daily basis.
We also have represented individuals and businesses in mergers and acquisitions. Working with our clients’ accountants and other professionals, we advise our clients on the financing, structuring and implementation of mergers as well as asset and equity (i.e., stock) acquisitions.
Our attorneys also assist our clients in their employment law matters. Every employer must be fully cognizant of personnel law when making the decisions to hire, discipline and terminate employees. We have drafted employment agreements for many clients, reviewed and drafted employee handbooks, assisted clients in complying with state and federal requirements, and represented employers before the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission on employment discrimination claims. Federal and state regulations are constantly changing, and our attorneys regularly advise business clients about how to stay current with the law. These areas of changing regulations include complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and other federal and state laws.